Contributors 1940s and 1950s
Over 130 Old Wellingtonians contributed to the 1940s and 1950s section of the Wellington Through The Decades project. We would like to record our enormous thanks to all those listed here, along with several contributors who chose to remain anonymous.

David Alexander (Orange 1954-59)
John Alexander (Talbot 1954-58)
John Armstrong-MacDonnell (Talbot 1952-56)
Robert ‘Bobby’ Baddeley (Picton 1948-52)
Robin Ballard (Orange 1955-59)
Dick Barton (Lynedoch 1938-42)
Christopher Beeton (Talbot 1943-47)
John Beckwith (Blücher 1947-51)
Peter Bell (Blücher 1943-48)
John Berger (Benson 1949-52)
John Berkley-Matthews (Combermere 1954-58)
Henry Beverley (Anglesey 1949-53)
Christopher Birt (Beresford 1955-60)
Mike Bolton (Hopetoun 1947-53)
Leslie Bond (Lynedoch 1948-53)
Peter ‘Jock’ Brazier (Hill 1941-45)
Anthony Bruce (Benson 1951-56)
Richard Buckley (Combermere 1941-45)
Michael Campbell (Hill 1954-59)
Christopher (at Wellington known as George) Capron (Benson 1949-54)
Robin Carr (Blücher 1955-60)
John Clarke (Benson 1949-54)
Anthony Collett (Combermere 1953-58)
Thomas Collett-White (Picton 1950-55)
David Cooke (Hopetoun 1955-59)
Thomas Courtenay-Clack (Hardinge 1954-59)
Richard Craven (Hill 1950-54)
Michael Crumplin (Orange 1956-60)
Peter Cullinan (Benson 1948-52)
Peter Davison (Beresford 1948-52)
Andrew Dewar-Durie (Talbot 1953-56)
Stuart Dowding (Talbot 1957-61)
Charles Enderby (Picton 1953-57)
William Field (Lynedoch 1952-56)
Peter Firth (Hardinge 1941-46)
Rodney Fletcher (Combermere 1949-53)
John Flinn (Combermere 1944-49)
Peter Gardner (Hardinge 1946-51)
Murray Glover (Anglesey 1947-51)
Tony Glyn-Jones (Picton 1954-59)
Richard Godfrey-Faussett (Anglesey 1946-50)
Stephen Goodall (Hardinge 1936-40)
Anthony Goodenough (Stanley 1954-59)
John Green (Talbot 1954-58)
Nigel Gripper (Hopetoun 1945-49)
Nigel Hamley (Hill 1952-55)
Nick Harding (Combermere) 1951-1955
Richard Harries (Baron Harries of Pentregarth) (Hill 1949-54)
Rufus Heald (Stanley 1939-42)
Chris Heath (Beresford 1948-53)
Michael Hedgecoe (Combermere 1951-54)
Robert Hirst (Picton 1955-59)
John Hoblyn (Hardinge 1945-50)
John Hornibrook (Murray 1942-46)
Colin Innes (Combermere 1949-54)
William King (Beresford 1956-61)
Martin Kinna (Murray 1953-58)
Robin Lake (Benson 1952-57)
John Le Mare (Stanley 1950-55)
Michael Llewellyn-Smith (Orange 1952-57)
Colin Mackinnon (Hardinge 1951-56)
Ross Mallock (Murray 1954-59)
Peter Marshall (Stanley 1947-51)
Michael Mathew (Murray 1956-60)
Colin Mattingley (Talbot 1952-56)
Richard May-Hill (Hopetoun 1957-61)
Richard Merritt (Picton 1954-59)
Christopher Miers (Beresford 1955-59)
Douglas Miller (Benson 1951-56)
Allen Molesworth (Blücher 1945-48)
Michael Moore (Lynedoch 1955-60)
Alan Munro (Talbot 1948-53)
Neil Munro (Talbot 1952-56)
David Nalder (Orange 1949-53)
Christopher Napper (Lynedoch 1955-60)
Ian Nason (Orange 1950-54)
George Nicholson (Hardinge 1949-54)
John Ormrod (Stanley 1946-50)
Sam Osmond (Hill 1946-51)
Michael Peck (Anglesey 1954-59)
Vernon Phillips (Murray 1951-54)
Roger Pinhey (Hopetoun 1952-57)
John Ravenhill (Orange 1953-56)
Tim Reeder (Picton 1949-53)
Peter Rickards (Murray 1947-52)
Bertram Rope (Picton 1949-54)
Roger Ryall (Picton 1951-56)
Richard Sarson (Hardinge 1943-48)
Alan Saunders (Orange 1957-60)
Graeme Shelford (Hardinge 1954-57)
William Shine (Hill 1956-60)
Tim Shoosmith (Blücher 1953-57)
David Simonds (Orange 1941-46)
Michael Southwell (Orange 1955-60)
Ambrose Spong (Stanley 1950-51)
Pat Stacpoole (Combermere 1944-48)
Adrian Stephenson (Talbot 1957-61)
Christopher Stephenson (Hill 1949-54)
Graham Stephenson (Combermere 1953-57)
Bryan Stevens (Blücher 1948-52)
Randal Stewart (Anglesey 1953-56)
John Stitt (Murray 1940-45)
Hardy Stroud (Combermere 1950-55)
Bob Terry (Hopetoun 1954-57)
Tim Thompson (Lynedoch 1950-54)
John Thorneycroft (Benson 1953-58)
Count Nikolai Tolstoy-Miloslavsky (Stanley 1949-53)
David Trafford-Roberts (Anglesey 1943-45)
Tim Travers (Hopetoun 1952-56)
Hugh Trevor (Hopetoun 1943-48)
Michael Trevor-Barnston (Anglesey 1957-60)
Norman Tyler (Hill 1947-52)
Charles Wade (Lynedoch 1947-50)
Robert Waight (Orange 1942-46)
John de Grey, Lord Walsingham (Blücher 1938-43)
Charles (at Wellington known as Christopher) Ward (Hopetoun 1951-55)
David Ward (Hopetoun 1954-58)
Jeremy Watkins (Blücher 1951-55)
John Watson (Benson 1946-51)
Richard Wellesley (Benson 1948-53)
Hugo White (Hardinge 1944-48)
Robert Wilkinson (Anglesey 1947-50)
Alastair Wilson (Talbot 1948-1950)
Jerry Yeoman (Anglesey 1955-59)
Mark Yorke (Combermere 1950-55)
William Young (Anglesey 1954-58)